Author Archives: Paul Fess

Online Learning Focus Groups

This is an excellent opportunity to get your voice heard about online learning at LaGuardia.

The LaGuardia College Senate’s Online Learning Committee will be making recommendations to the college about online services.

We would like to know more about students’ experiences with online services at the college, your needs, and also your wants. What is the college doing well? What could the college do differently with online services? Are there services that you need or want online that LaGuardia doesn’t have?

Please join us for a focus group to discuss your experiences and ideas. You can come to either focus group (whatever fits your schedule). We will use these discussions to help us form our recommendations. 

Focus Group Time #1:
Date: Thursday, 3/23Time: 2:15 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.Place:
You can join the focus group in person in E-273.
You can join on Zoom with this link:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 899 8489 5598

Passcode: 277788

Focus Group Time #2:
Date: Thursday, 3/23Time: 3:25 p.m. – 4:25 p.m.Place: 
You can join the focus group in person in E-273.
You can join on Zoom with this link:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 891 4909 8136

Passcode: 871902

If you are unable to attend the focus group, but would like to share ideas with the committee, please feel free to email us.

Many Thanks,

Dr. J. Elizabeth Clark ( or Dr. Sandra Sze (
​​Co-Chairs of the College Senate Online Learning Committee

“Showing Up” During Threats of Austerity-03/23/23

Come join SURJ on Thursday, March 23rd from 12-1:30pm for our first Spring monthly meeting:
Showing Up” During Threats of Austerity

We’ll discuss ways to show up for racial and economic justice in this pivotal moment for public higher education in New York City! We’ll hear from SURJ and PSC members about ways to get involved in shaping the NY State budget (scheduled to pass in early April) and our CUNY contract (currently in negotiation). Faculty, Staff, and Students welcome! Zoom info below.

About SURJ: SURJ at LaGuardia is an ally/affinity group for staff and faculty who do not identify as people of color but who want to address and confront racism on campus and beyond. The group serves as a platform for anti-racism and as a space for elevating the discussion of white privilege and systemic racism. It works to promote reflection, awareness, learning, and strategies for personal and collective action around these issues. We are a chapter of the national SURJ organization, which is a network of groups and individuals that work to organize and move white people to action as part of a multi-racial coalition for justice.

Zoom link for March 23rd at 12pm []

Meeting ID: 871 1228 4157

Passcode: 512123

In solidarity,

Darren Barany, Rachel Boccio, Paul Fess, Ian McDermott, and Natalie Willens
SURJ LaGuardia Co-leaders

Artwork and Video Competition–March 6, 2023–April 7, 2023

Artwork and Video Competition

LaGuardia faculty, staff, and students are invited to participate in the artwork and video competition. This competition gives participants the opportunity to express themselves through art and video in the spirit of advancing diversity, equity and inclusion on the LaGuardia campus.

Submissions will be accepted from March 6, 2023–April 7, 2023. There is NO COST to enter this contest. Contest rules and submission guidelines are available here.

Blog 2

How does Joy Harjo develop the idea of the kinds of conversations that take place at the kitchen table? How does she characterize the end of the world?

A Miracle for Breakfast-by Elizabeth Bishop

At six o’clock we were waiting for coffee,
waiting for coffee and the charitable crumb
that was going to be served from a certain balcony
-like kings of old, or like a miracle.
It was still dark. One foot of the sun
steadied itself on a long ripple in the river.

The first ferry of the day had just crossed the river.
It was so cold we hoped that the coffee
would be very hot, seeing that the sun
was not going to warm us; and that the crumb
would be a loaf each, buttered, by a miracle.
At seven a man stepped out on the balcony.

He stood for a minute alone on the balcony
looking over our heads toward the river.
A servant handed him the makings of a miracle,
consisting of one lone cup of coffee
and one roll, which he proceeded to crumb,
his head, so to speak, in the clouds- along with the sun.

Was the man crazy? What under the sun
was he trying to do, up there on his balcony!
Each man received one rather hard crumb,
which some flicked scornfully into the river,
and, in a cup, one drop of the coffee.
Some of us stood around, waiting for the miracle.

I can tell what I saw next; it was not a miracle.
A beautiful villa stood in the sun
and from its doors came the smell of hot coffee.
In front, a baroque white plaster balcony
added by birds, who nest along the river,
I saw it with one eye close to the crumb-

and galleries and marble chambers. My crumb
my mansion, made for me by a miracle,
through ages, by insects, birds, and the river
working the stone. Every day, in the sun,
at breakfast time I sit on my balcony
with my feet up, and drink gallons of coffee.

We licked up the crumb and swallowed the coffee.
A window across the river caught the sun
as if the miracle were working, on the wrong balcony.